Filmmaking Talk

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Simple Sketch Comedy Shooting Techniques From The Ben Stiller Show

I recently watched a sketch from The Ben Stiller Show to post with a previous podcast and got drawn into watching the whole brilliant single (award winning) season of The Ben Stiller Show. After I got through most of it I realized how many sketches could have been shot today, even under the restrictions of the pandemic, and decided to share that awareness on this podcast episode with the intention of helping fellow filmmakers get creative with how to shoot the movie ideas they are having right now, even if they think they do not have access to the locations they need

Simple Sketch Comedy Shooting Techniques From The Ben Stiller Show Read More »

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Managing Cash Flow Highs And Lows As A Freelance Filmmaker

There is an ebb and flow to money that comes in as a freelancer or gig workers and it really can be challenging deciding when to purchase thing that are needed for business or for life and how to manage the money coming in. In this episode we discuss some techniques to manage the erratic income and outflow of money as a freelance filmmaker.

Managing Cash Flow Highs And Lows As A Freelance Filmmaker Read More »

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