Produce Your First Movie In 30 Days – Sales Page

…With Very Little Time, Money Or Experience!

Produce Your First Movie In 30 Days - Sales Page

Get Course Videos, Downloads, Cheat Sheets, Templates, Member’s Only Facebook Group, and My Personal Advice and Coaching So You Can Produce a Film NOW (Or Bump Your Film Career To The Next Level)… Enroll Now!

Lisette says “Great So Far” And That She “LOVES the templates and bonus information


Vince Thanked Me And Advises”If You Are Getting Ready To Shoot Your Short Film.


Taya Says The Course Provides You With “BRILLIANT Knowledge And Resources.


Simon Felt That Money Is Saved By Making A “Full Scale Production” Instead Of Guerilla Filmmaking


Here’s What You’ll Learn From The Course…

  Learn The Perks of Being a Producer

√  Learn Tips for Managing Your Movie Budget

√  Steal My Producer Self-Assessment So You Make The Movie That is TRULY In Line With Your Goals

√  Learn The SECRET to Leadership On A Movie Set

√  Learn A Systematic Way of Making Decisions For Greatest Filmmaking Success

√  Learn How To Accelerate Your Skills As A Filmmaking

√  Learn the CRITICAL First Step Before You Buy A Screenplay

√  Discover The Two MILLION DOLLAR Words That Get Things Done!

√  Learn the Method of Picking the Best Days to Shoot Your Movie

√  Learn How To SCHEDULE Your Movie From Pre-Production to Post-Production

 √  Steal My Screenwriting Resources So You Can Solidify Your Script ASAP

 √  Learn What It Takes to Make Your Script AWESOME And INEXPENSIVE To Shoot

 √  Discover Movie Script Ideas From Unconventional Sources

What All Comes With The Course…

√  Core Training Videos – 130 lessons showing you exactly every step of how I make a movie from day one to the red carpet and everything in between

√  Checklist of Action Steps – Every module is a big step (10 steps) to making your movie and those steps each have a clear checklist to complete so that you always know what to do next

√  Memo and Form Templates – Indie Producing requires a lot of paperwork if you want to do it right and I provide over $1000 worth of templates to help you get an idea of what forms you need and what they should say

√  Overview of Technology – Independent Filmmaking involves a lot of technology and as I walk you through the required technical knowledge, software and equipment you will need and what you will not need which will save you money to put towards your movie

√  Ultimate Master Resource List of Filmmaking Websites – There is a sea of information about filmmaking on the Internet and it can be a bit overwhelming so I provide a list of helpful websites that I personally use that will help you and give you clarity on your filmmaking journey (rather than confuse you or waste your time)

√  Facebook Filmmaking Networking Group – To network with fellow classmates and to ask questions of the group and of me

√  Lifetime Access – free lifetime access to everything in the course including all future course updates (I’m always adding stuff!!).  Watch videos and download everything whenever you want, there is no rush or time limit.

√  30 Day Money-Back Guarantee – I’m so confident of the value of this course that if you don’t get amazing results from the information in the course, I will happily give you a refund in the first 30 days

√  Desktop & Mobile Access – As long as you are connected to the internet, you can watch videos anytime from any device Ok I’m In Sign Me Up

Meet Leslie

– Directed and/or Produced over 15 movies, several winning multiple awards at film festivals

– Wrote Produce U in 2006 to help others learn to produce movies

– Founded in 2008 to start helping others

– Created the video course How To Produce Your First Movie in 30 Days in 2014, based on my book from 2006

My Story…

I struggled with being an actor for many years. All I wanted to do was act. I wanted to get paid for it, but even more so, it was also really important for me to express myself in a theatrical, fulfilling manner.

I loved my craft and I wanted to do it all the time!

At that time, the only way I could see myself making my art is if SOMEONE ELSE cast me in a movie, commercial or play, and the only way I felt I was going to get into that movie, commercial or play was through auditioning. This left me feeling really unempowered and not in control of my career.

And then, once I got into a movie, often it would be such a small role that it didn’t fulfill me creatively, nor did it provide me with footage I could use for my reel. That was fine if I was getting paid, but most of these were low-budget indie movies, so I was NOT getting paid. Nor did the role I received highlight my abilities in a way that would get me the acting jobs I desired.

It was very frustrating and ready to quit. I asked myself how I could be an actor in a way that I felt empowered and would allow me creative control over the projects I got involved in.

Just before I was ready to throw in the towel, I was encouraged by some of my friends to direct and produce a short film. I was reluctant but…


It was scary and I had no idea what I was doing because it was my first time, but I knew had great people around me to guide me, mentor me and give me advice.

I ended up directing, producing and starring in my first project, and though that first project is no Citizen Kane, it turned out to be quite a success, both personal and professional. It got into several film festivals, and it upgraded me from actor to actor/director/producer. Additionally, it taught me a lot about what goes on behind the camera, and that, in turn, taught me a lot about acting because I was able to observe what I needed from the other actors.

This knowledge has allowed me to give the producers that hire me to act much better value because I have been in there shoes. I can serve their needs better because I remember what I need from actors when I am producing and what I felt was important to get from my actors when am producing.

Another important discovery I made was that when it came to the entertainment industry, I had a strong ability and fondness for directing and cinematography. I never would have known I loved being behind the camera if I hadn’t tried it!

And most importantly, I got to do my craft. I got to do a meaty, fulfilling, meaningful, interesting lead role in my own short film and it felt wonderful.

Since then I have simply repeated the process and improved my technique of producing short movies over and over again until I got really good at it.

Because learning how to produce has had such a positive impact on me and my career, I feel compelled to share what I have learned with others. I want to empower other artists, especially actors, who are the ones that suffer extreme abuse in the entertainment industry.

The Sad Truth

The sad truth is that actors (except for those that have a name and following) are considered disposable in this industry because many people in the industry feel that most actors treat their career like a hobby and not as a business.

And once I started doing film crew work, I didn’t feel compelled to network with actors because they typically don’t network with the people that can get me directing gigs and other crew work.

Yeah, I know that’s cynical. It’s not like this everywhere. I picked this mindset up in Los Angeles and dropped that mindset once I lived in Chicago. But for LA, telling people you are an actor can be a social kiss of death.  This issue is solved the moment you produce your first movie.

If you also work behind the camera, holding a film crew position or producing (including self-producing), everything changes. They way other people in the industry see you changes.

Also, acting on camera is often about looks and fitting a type. Specifically the young and beautiful type. Sometimes actors continue to get roles as they age, but often by the time they figure out the business of being an actor in Los Angeles they are past the stage where there are plentiful jobs.

Additionally, everyone else in the industry can get each other jobs, but actors really can’t get anyone jobs unless they are really hooked up with people who do the hiring (that’s producers, NOT casting directors) or knowledgeable about what goes on behind the camera.

I’m sorry to tell you all this. Maybe you feel differently about the entertainment industry, and if you do, that’s probably a good thing because once I came to these realizations, it really bummed me out.

But it also pushed me to find out how I could continue to be valuable to the industry after my 20s and how I could become INVALUABLE to as many people in the industry so that a long and healthy career was a greater probability. The answer to a long and fruitful career is KNOWLEDGE. And the key knowledge for an actor is Producing.

The other keys are marketing, sales, networking, and business, but we’ll get into that later. I also realized that I loved the business of making movies. Just like with every industry there are a few things I don’t like, but I love it more than hate it.

I could have left it a long time ago, but I keep choosing to come back so in my mind, it proves I love it.

Outrageously Creative Opportunities

I love being creative. Acting used to be my only creative form of expression, but after jumping behind the camera as a director and producer, I now have many ways to express myself in the medium of film and movies. Sometimes I have too many choices (which I am wholeheartedly grateful for)!


If You Are An Actor…

Producing will be the first step in getting you to act more, and act in better, bigger roles. Producing will elevate your career faster, will make it easier to make better professional connections, and will make you operate within the business in a more professional.

Every time I see an actor buying new headshots, paying for a photographer, pursuing an agent, taking acting classes (for knowledge, not for pleasure or socializing), or paying for casting director audition events, I want to tell him or her to STOP WASTING THEIR MONEY…

If she or he took all that money and put it towards a short film, that actor would start connecting with the right people, improving his or her skills as an actor, creating an excellent marketing piece and having fun at the same time.

And if your project wins awards and recognition, or goes viral on the Internet, that will hasten the progress even further and faster.

I wish someone had said all of this to me when I was getting started as an actor.

And yes, a lot of it is my opinion, but the framework my course provides you a better and more efficient first-time-filmmaking experience than just going about it on your own.

Get Course Videos (worth $2997), Downloads (worth $1500), Cheat Sheets (worth $400), Templates (worth $650), Member’s Only Facebook Group (worth $50/month), and Access To Me, My Personal Advice and Coaching (worth $500/month) So You Can Produce a Film NOW (Or Bump Your Film Career To The Next Level)…

All for a low price (that is likely to go up in the future)



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